We are 4. We blog, therefore we are!

Four years of IndiBlogger.in

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16 Responses

  1. abhi says:

    Indiblogger rocks!
    Heartiest congratulations to the entire team and wishing you all the best for a great future.

  2. Anees says:

    that’s some accomplishment, ain’t it? keep rocking indiblogger!!

  3. Raj says:

    Awesome.. Happy Birthday Indiblogger and I’m proud to be the part of Indiblogger. Keep rocking guys.

  4. moni says:

    Happy birthday indiblogger…

  5. Mohan says:

    Happy birthday IndiSouls! What an year it was… looking forward for much brighter year up ahead.

  6. Gourav Jain says:

    Congrats Indiblogger for the achievements.

  7. HiFriends says:

    good work indiblogger

  8. IndiBlogger Rocks.. 🙂

    Someone is Special

  9. Balaji says:

    Congrats IndiAchievements !
    Hope will do more in 2011-2012 🙂

  10. Arti says:

    What an achievement… Proud to be an Indiblogger!!
    Congrats Guys, keep up the excellent work:)

  11. WOW! That’s awesome!!! Proud to be an Indiblogger!!! 🙂 Congratulations and Happy (Belated) Birthday! 🙂

  12. These stats reveal nothing but the success of Indian Bloggers (IndiBlogger).

  13. S Jayanth says:

    An awesome website. belated happy birthday. Thanks to the site.

  14. Ramaswamy says:

    Congrats indiblogger… hope we will build a larger blogger community

  15. Kudos to indiblogger for their awesome work. Nothing better than providing for the underprivileged.

  1. August 16, 2011

    […] on their site as if everybody is already killing very little time there! By the way, Indiblogger just turned 4 years yesterday. Happy Birthday IndiBlogger! I have got lot more readers on my blog ever since I am on […]

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