Author: Anwin

UniverCell Hyderabad IndiBlogger meet 2010 2

UniverCell Hyderabad IndiBlogger meet 2010

Woo hoo and some loud cheers!!! The above is how I describe the anticipation and excitement the IndiBlogger team has towards the second installment of the UniverCell IndiBlogger Meet, scheduled to take place in...

Mera India, Bridge The Gap 7

Mera India, Bridge The Gap

As bloggers, we find ourselves in a unique position as influencers of change. As the first of a new series “IndiCause”, we would like to inform you about a contest where your ideas play...

Mother’s day contest at IndusLadies 2

Mother’s day contest at IndusLadies

The IndiBlogger team have been asked ‘Where are the women bloggers?’ quite a few times in many of our IndiBlogger meets across major cities in India. We have not missed this question at all....

Anwin Joselyn 1

Anwin Joselyn

What the hell am I doing for IndiBlogger? being a community of Indian blogs and bloggers we realize that we are for the community. And we being bloggers for many years (we have...