How do Featured Posts, Top Posts and Special Featured Posts work on IndiBlogger?

Hello Everyone,
There is a lot of interest around the new featured posts series we launched recently and we have narrowed in on a process! So here it is:
What is a Featured Post on IndiBlogger?
Any post that has been chosen by an automated system or by a human to be posted on the IndiBlogger home page is generally known as a featured post.
There are 3 main features at the moment:
1) Popular Posts of the Day:
These posts are chosen via an automated system that takes into account the votes on a particular blog post within 24 hours of its submission, among a couple of other small tweaks that we keep changing.
This takes into account the time that the posts are submitted into IndiBlogger and not the actual publishing time.
2) Today’s Featured Posts:
This section is chosen by a random person everyday. They look for the latest and most interesting articles submitted into IndiBlogger from Indian Bloggers around the globe. The posts will be displayed on the home page for a minimum of two hours to a maximum of 24 hours.
The best way to get featured here is to submit your posts immediately after you publish them on your blog, the maximum time being within 24 hours of publishing it on your blog. Beyond that, it would have had to be a real slow day in IndiBlogger 🙂
Maybe someday the posts you choose could feature here, like a playlist if you will. We will let you know 🙂
3) Special Feature:
This section is basically to honor posts of a specific topic of the choosers interest. A lot of people seem to like Travel and some lists are around that! 🙂 However going forward, We are hoping to give as many different aspects of content, opportunities to get noticed here.
These posts could be selected from any time period as long as they are submitted into IndiBlogger. So don’t be surprised if a post from 5 years ago makes it to a “Timeless advice” featured section 🙂
The IndiBlogger home page is the most visited page on IndiBlogger and is a great place to have your latest posts featured there, so come on in and partake.
Once your post is selected:
You will receive a badge that states “Featured post” or “Top Post” depending on the selection.
This badge will be sent by email with instructions on how it can be added to your blog post as well.
You can also verify the badge on post summary page:
If your selected featured post becomes a Top post only the “Top” post badge will be visible on the Post Summary page.
Want to take this a step further?
Join us on social media:
If your post is featured in any way on IndiBlogger, you can share the love with us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
On Instagram, we share the stories that you make wrt your features and we share them in our story.
We do the same on Twitter too!
Well, There is one more thing. Some of you may have started noticing us voting for your posts, So look out for that too.
As always do drop in a comment or two that reflect your thoughts 🙂
It’s such a good feeling when one of my posts is featured. And loved reading the mechanism behind the features. Thanks for sharing
Wonderful initiative team IB. This post is actually very helpful to understand how featured post and top post work. Great one Anoop ??
I adore Indiblogger home page.I find my best morning reads here
The first time my post was voted by indiblogger, i was over the moon!
It is such an encouraging gesture from you guys, IB! You all do know how to lift someone’s spirits!? Keep up the good work?
My post was voted by Indiblogger and I was on cloud nine!:D
Thanks for the new encouragement gesture:)
Really, When our post voted by IndiBlogger. It is such an encouraging for all of us.. Thanks guy for sharing..
I am super excited when I see Indiblogger vote on my posts! Each and every time. Thank you so much! No less than a badge of honor. Each and every time!
Thank you for everything you do. Very encouraging and motivating on a daily basis! (LIke a bath!)
You know I love you!
Interesting… Though I not being featured yet but yes my post has been voted by indiblogger.. Thanks for that…
Indiblogger want you to know it is super motivating to be on either or all of the lists you mentioned. My post once they make it to top post, automatically receive a lot more attention which is so gratifying! Thanks guys, IB rocks!
Thanks for the mechanism shared. Love Indiblogger
I am thrilled to be featured in your home page so thanks for explaining how it works !
Two of my posts where featured and I was so overwhelmed. Thank you Indiblogger.
Very good initiative ? IB Team. This post is very informative and encouraging one ? Thanks for sharing ?
Thank you, Indiblogger! It’s a fabulous community here. Being featured is very encouraging. Also, one gets to see what other bloggers are working on and that is insightful too.
My photo posts featured, So happy. Thank you so much IndiBlogger TEAM.
My latest post was in featured post. Thanks Indiblogger for the same. Thanks for explaining how things work. The same post can be permanently kept in Indiblogger so that new bloggers will come to know the working of Indiblogger
Thanks. My posts have been featured thrice and feel good to see hardwork being recognized.
My post is featured twice, thanks team indiblogger
This is the best appreciation a blogger can get. I eagerly look into my inbox every time to read the notified emails. The one saying your post is featured is the best feeling.
The best thing is getting that special vote from you guys, apart from those top post and featured post badges! You know? Indiblogger is awesomeness personified! Ain’t it right? <3
From last morning, I see my post is voted by Indiblogger and it brings a smile on my face and made my day too.
Hope to see my post featured to on indiblogger page too
Indiblogger has been extremely encouraging. Since I’ve become a member, it’s my endeavor to work harder and write on meaningful topics that will benefit everybody. The website offers good posts of bloggers from different genres and it’s a delight to read them as much as I can. I got featured yesterday and have been smiling ever since. Thank you!
This post improves understanding of how things work.
Already guessed these or can be said…can understand it being a long term member of Indiblogger on the other hand, there is a very special relation between the first two cups of tea in the morning and indiblogger site.
I gives a feeling of pride every time my post is featured on IB homepage. Thanks for sharing the criteria for selection.
for the first time one of my post got the badge of “top post on IndiBlogger”
Im so happy for it.It really means a lot for a new blogger.
Thanks for the nice guidance.
Thanks for the mechanism shared.i Love Indiblogger
A nice post describing how Indiblogger badges are announced. Learnt something.
Thanks for voting for my post. This is the first time and boy am I happy?? Thanks once again.
Thanks for voting my post ‘ Happiness- Motivation Speech’ as featured post today (7/3/19) .
Thanks Indieblogger.